Kiehl's Ultimate Strength Hand Salve Vs. Soap and Glory Hand Food

Hey friends!
Since it's the winter time, my hands have been getting even more dry than usual. I purchased the Kiehl's hand salve immediately after trying it in the store. It's perfect for application through out the entire day because it dries quickly while also moisturizing deeply, and it is not greasy at all. I love when my hand creams dry quickly because as a student, I've got a pretty busy life and as far as greasy hand creams go, ain't nobody got time for that ;]. Anyhow, the Kiehl's retails for $22 at a size of 5 oz. The Soap and Glory hand food is also a great product. It's intensely moisturizing and has a great scent. The only issue I have with the hand food is that it stays on your hands much longer than the hand salve after application. It's a bit greasier, though I would still use at night before I go to sleep. The hand food retails for $5 at a size of 1.7oz. The 4.2 oz tube retails for $12. Ultimately, they are both really great products. If you're trying to decide which hand cream to buy, it really depends on what you're looking for in a hand cream. If you don't mind the mildly greasy aspect of hand creams, I would suggest the hand food. However, if you're like me, and you need your hands to stop feeling greasy as soon as possible, then I would go for the hand salve. You just may need to apply the hand salve a little more to get the same moisturizing effect as the hand food.
Side note: if you readers are interested in either Bianca or I reviewing a certain product, please don't hesitate to let us know! We would LOVE to let you know our opinions if we already own the product, and if we don't have the product, we could definitely buy it and try it!
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